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Organic Bio-fertilizer Fabrication at Hasteca Center

Updated: Mar 26

This month we are thrilled to announce that we have not only started manufacturing our first batches of bio-fertilizer, but that we have also started field application trials on sugar cane and in our own orchard.

If you were wondering why things have been quiet in the update section, now you know! Spring has it's way of creeping in, and all of a sudden hitting with full impact. This is especially true when working on farms and ranches. Nature waits for no one!

We will keep you posted as things progress, and look for an update on the center overall progress and vetiver nursery soon.

Create abundance!

This work is being conducted as an international collaborative research project under the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service Scientific Cooperation Grant that was awarded to TX State University and Terra Advocati for research being conducted at the Huasteca Regenerative Agriculture Center in 2022.

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Terra Advocati is a registered non-profit in the States of Texas and New Mexico, USA, and has received federally designated tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) organization.

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