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Spring Equinox: We Free

Updated: May 5, 2022

A year ago we commemorated the Spring Equinox in the patio of our dear friend, Veronica Castillo, with the simple goal of sharing a meal. We cooked our food in an earthen pit in the ground and carefully watched over it for over 12 hours as we talked, and dreamed, and imagined another way of being in the world. In the throes of the pandemic, we wanted to be intentional with our lives, so we held vigil as Winter became Spring.

This year, we commemorated the Spring Equinox by joining an incredible group of artists, activists, and dreamers at Gateway Park in the community of Pleasant Grove, located in Dallas, Texas. There, Marguerite Angelica Monique directed a community gathering called we free, a social experiment, a conversation, a nonperformance, an endeavor to talk about and embody what we are doing, right now, to be free.

So we invite you to live every day with intention, with joy, and to let go of all that doesn’t serve you.

Be free. We free.

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