The following is an update that we recently received from Sedepac Huasteca regarding their progress in the Sierra Huasteca.
Over the last three months, we implemented workshops and forums in agroecology, nature conservation and sustainable tourism in Xilitla, agro-ecosystems, rainwater harvesting, and ecological economy with diverse actors. We carried out exchanges with agronomy students from the UAM Xochimilco and UASLP San Luis Potosí universities, the organic coffee producers of the SCAIX Cooperative and high school students in three ejidos, including workshops in organic fertilizers, foliar bio-preparations for pest control, crop analysis, mobile phone applications to measure shade indicators, and field visits to producers' coffee plantings - sharing the impacts of sustainable, productive and inclusive agriculture.
We were co-organizers of the National Protection of Native Maize Varieties and Seed Exchange Fair in Chapultepec, Mexico City, where farmers, artisans and promoters from 13 different states participated. Exchanging seeds, gastronomy, knowledge, rituals and cultivation techniques that are practiced in the traditional methods of each state, adapted to local cultivation conditions and knowledge, working to strengthen the ecology and cultivation of the more than 64 native varieties of Mexican corn, and together defend and preserve them.
We elaborated a recipe book of traditional Huasteca dishes and community gastronomic knowledge, rooted in the kitchen as the meeting space for families, and where knowledge and flavors are shared, where the memory of each home is woven. The recipe book documents the knowledge of native edible plants in the southern region of the Huasteca Potosina of the municipalities of Axtla, Matlapa and Xilitla, and reflects the diversity of knowledge and historical information, to enrich and preserve traditional Huasteca Potosina foods and value and strengthen the cultural identity of the region.
We have strengthened our participation and collaboration with networks of organizations and the Nahuatl and Tenek village assemblies, by supporting processes at the regional and national level, to strengthen self-determination and autonomy, promoting initiatives and training for the recognition and application of the collective rights of First Peoples, to elect their own authorities in assemblies and the local administration of their own budgets and community services, together with organizations in the region, Cheran y Nahuatzen Michoacán, and in Mexico City.
Thank you for all your support; we continue to move forward together working to generate a better world.
Atentamente/Sincerely, Gregorio, Jocabeth, Virginia, Pedro, Solomon, Baldomero de/of Sedepac Huasteca